The end-to-end software delivery process often follows iterative and incremental development methodologies, such as Agile, Scrum, or DevOps, which emphasize collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement. This approach allows for faster development cycles and more adaptive responses to changing requirements. uccessful end-to-end software delivery requires effective communication, collaboration among cross-functional teams, adherence to best practices, and a commitment to delivering high-quality software that meets user needs and business goals.
Yes, depending on the project size, we might be able to get your MVP delivered in 2 weeks – 4 months. Subsequently, we can ensure releases of new functionality every 2–6 weeks. Get in touch, and we'll work out a way to meet your needs.
For most of our software engineering projects, we use Scrum with 2–3 week iterations. For small and midsize projects with clearly defined and unchanging requirements, projects requiring formal approvals (governmental projects and projects for big corporations), and projects with strict compliance requirements, we can opt for Waterfall. In software support and evolution projects, we mostly follow Kanban. Naturally, in many projects, it makes sense to use a combination of approaches or switch from one to another depending on the project stage.
You can create a responsive web app accessible on a variety of devices and complement it with a mobile app for a more tailored experience on smartphones. Ultimately, the decision between a mobile app and a web app should align with your project's objectives and user needs. Careful consideration of the factors mentioned above can help you make an informed choice.